14 thoughts to “Rugby Big Hits & Dangerous Tackles”

  1. Ref at 0:21 should be sacked he landed on his back easily, AT MOST it would be a yellow. Refs these days….

  2. ElliotJack4, massive thanks for the awesome rugby videos!

    You make my working life just about bareable with these fantastic vids!

    From a fan of good rugby, irrespetive of nationality.

  3. Union’s getting too soft in my opinion, obviously some of these hits are ridiculously illegal but some don’t deserve more than a yellow, Florian Fritz tackle on Varndell was hardly worth a red..

  4. @1:13 is unforgivable! That guy should be banned for a long time. Nonu’s elbow was also pretty bad

  5. Great range of hits!!! Thanks! Reminds us why I don’t play Rugby that often these days!lol

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